Storytelling with a purpose

Forced to flee at age ten from his village in Myanmar (Burma), Nimrod Andrew faced an uncertain future as a refugee. Battling terrible odds he struggled to turn his displacement into opportunity. Compelled by the horrors of Burma and devoted to helping his community, for Nimrod, leaving the past behind isn't as easy as it may seem. The film tells the story of this young man's struggle to overcome loss and tell the truth about Myanmar (Burma).

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What a success! Congratulations on such a beautiful film. I laughed, cried and felt outrage. Nimrod you are a treasure, Ottawa hit pay dirt by gaining you! Ed and Jane what a powerful did such a great job.

                                                                                          Lucy van Oldenbarneveld, CBC Television

Powerful, incredible footage. Difficult to watch, but so very important for the world to see.                                                                                                       Judy Rand, Photographer

How I see the children from Burma that I teach, will never be the same. Now that I understand their past, I can better help prepare them for the future.

Teacher, Cambridge Street Public School

Thank you for bringing Nimrod's story, his sacrifices and the plight of his Karen people, to the attention of the public. I hope that your moving documentary will contribute to positive change in Burma.                                Valerie Hall, ESL Instructor                                                                        


How Can a Boy

Documentary Film